Venue finding

  • Based on your requirements, we short-list the hotels and venues in the selected location
  • We handle the contracting phase
  • We successfully negotiate rates and benefits with the providers

Your priorities can be focused on other tasks 


  • On-Site Coordination: Managing all logistics on the event day, such as setting up the venue, managing schedules, and ensuring that all services (catering, audio-visual, etc.) are in place.
  • Staffing: Overseeing hotel/venue staff, technical crews, or volunteers, ensuring they understand their roles and schedules.
  • Guest Management: Welcoming attendees, managing registration or check-in processes, and addressing any attendee concerns during the event.

Pre & post event

  • Event communication: visual graphics, banners, website, social media, pre & post movies
  • Budget Management: Planning and allocation of financial resources: venue costs, catering, decor, entertainment, and technical needs.
  • Accommodation & Travel: Arranging lodging and transportation for speakers, performers, or attendees.
  • Feedback Collection: satisfaction surveys to evaluate the event's success and identify areas for improvement.
  • Reporting: Compiling a post-event report that includes attendee numbers, financial performance, and key learnings